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Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.


1.1 New members shall be subject to a 7 day probationary period during which time they will be granted the rank of Apprentice and be expected meet certain requirements as follows:

i: make at least 15 forum posts;
ii: remain active in the forum, posts must be made on more than one day;
iii: remain active in online gaming;
iv: act in a mature manner.

1.2 All applicants wishing to join Endeavour Gaming shall be at least 16 years of age. Any applicants younger than 16 years shall be subject to maturity testing by a moderator during the probationary period.

1.3 Any member holding the rank of Apprentice who receives a strike will not be allowed to pass their probationary period, resulting in a ban from the forum and clan membership being denied. Apprentices are not members of the union and as such have no right to appeal.

1.4 Upon successful completion of the 7 day probationary period, new members shall be granted full membership, a promotion to the rank of Colleague, and membership with the Members Union.

1.5 New members with the rank of Apprentice shall not be permitted to apply to a job posting until the end of the 7 day probationary period and promotion to the rank of Colleague, without exception.

1.6 Any applicant who knowingly provides false information on their application shall not be allowed to pass their probationary period, resulting in a ban from the forum and clan membership being denied. Apprentices are not members of the union and as such have no right to appeal.


2.1 All members of Endeavour Gaming including moderators shall act in a mature manner at all times. Any member who does not act in a mature manner is subject to strike by a moderator.

2.2 Any member of Endeavour Gaming who discriminates against another member based on sex, age, race, religion, or sexual orientation shall be subject to an automatic strike or ban by a moderator without warning or exception.

2.3 Spamming will not be permitted on the forum and on chat box. Any member caught spamming is subject to strike by a moderator.

2.4 No member shall act in any way that may be illegal. Materials protected by Copy-Write should not be posted without expressed permission. If a member is unsure as to whether certain materials should be posted, they should consult with a moderator. Any member caught in violation of this is subject to strike by a moderator.

2.5 Members wishing to discuss something of a personal and private nature with a moderator or member of the security staff shall do so by PM, and not by posting in the open forum.

2.6 Only a member of the Competitive Squad Staff may recruit members to the competitive squads. Suggestions and applications may be made to competitive squad staff by PM.

2.7 Important decisions which affect the Endeavour Gaming Clan as whole shall not be made by the moderators alone. As a democratic clan a vote shall be taken to ensure that all members are heard.

2.8 Any member who is caught cheating during online gaming shall be automatically and without warning permanently banned from Endeavour Gaming with any and all rights, rank, and privileges being revoked.

2.9 No member of Endeavour Gaming shall retain membership with any other gaming clan simultaneously. Any member caught retaining membership of another clan or gaming team shall be automatically and without warning permanently banned from Endeavour Gaming with any and all rights, rank, and privileges being revoked.

2.10 Use of the Chat Box is to be considered a privilege and any member who abuses this privilege by violating any of the aforementioned regulations shall be subject to a 24 hour ban from Chat Box, and/or a strike by a moderator.

2.12 No member shall register more than account of the Endeavour gaming Forum. Any member caught retaining ownership of more than one account shall be automatically and without warning permanently banned from Endeavour Gaming with any and all rights, rank, and privileges being revoked.

2.13 No member shall duplicate forum content that they ought to have known is already in existence. This means that all members should research the forum for exiting content before making a post. A member also shall not post content in an existing post which is off topic, or highjack a post. If a member wishes to inquire about a subject which is already contained in a locked post, then they shall inquire via PM to a Director or Security Staff.

2.14 Endeavour Gaming is, unless otherwise stated, the owner of all media content submitted by its members. This content contains but is not limited to graphic designs, web designs, audio content, video content, and all written content posted to or submitted on the Endeavour Gaming Forum or website. You may not reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform, or prepare derivative works based on any of the Content including any such works without the express, written consent of Endeavour Gaming or the appropriate owner of copyright in such works.

2.15 Always have fun!


3.1 Offences against the clan shall be dealt with using the 3 Strike System. Any time a member commits an offence against the clan by violating any of the rules and regulations they shall be subject to a strike by a moderator.

3.2 Any member of Endeavour Gaming who has been issued 3 strikes shall be permanently banned from the clan with any and all rights, rank, and privileges being revoked.

3.3 In certain cases an offence may found to be so severe as to warrant by-passing the 3 Strike System. In such a case the offending member may be permanently banned without first receiving any strikes. This is at the sole discretion of the Directors.

3 Strike Examples:

i. Abusive or prejudicial language = 1 strike
ii. Causing a disruption in a private game/event = 1 strike
iii. Spamming threads = 1 strike
iv. Trolling in-game or on forum threads = 1 strike

Instant Banning Examples:

i. Hacking, modding or cheating of any kind.
ii. Making a dual account on the forum
iii. Being a member of another clan/team other than EnD
iv. Knowingly giving false/deceptive information on your profile/application.
v. Discrimination of any kind. (race, sex, religion, ect.)


4.1 Any member against whom a strike or a ban has been issued may make an appeal through the Members Union. This is to be done by sending a PM to the manager of the Members Union.

4.2 Once an appeal has been initiated, the Union Manager shall bring forward any relevant evidence or information on behalf of the member making the appeal to the Directors who will make the final decision whether to uphold or withdraw the strike and/or ban.

4.3 Any member engaged in discussion about clan issues in the Union Section of the forum shall abide by the following rules:

i. A member shall only state their opinion on an issue one time, anything more will be considered spamming. As much detail as possible should therefore be given.
ii. Maturity and respect are still expected, no member shall use name calling, antagonize other members, or disrespect other members.
iii. All of the Clan Rules and Regulations also apply to discussions in the Union Section without exception.
iv. Any member who breaks any of the aforementioned rules may have their post deleted and be subject to a strike/ban.

By joining the clan you automatically agree to uphold these rules for as long as you are with us.

-Yours truly
The EnD team