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LoL 3.9 Patch Notes Empty LoL 3.9 Patch Notes

Post by YourTasteInWomen July 10th 2013, 2:20 pm


Pillar of Flame
Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110
Mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80
Mana cost reduced to 100/100/100 from 100/150/200

So this is probably comign about now due to the decreasing popularity of the Rod of Ages build on Brand, the build gave him high mana regen from the catalyst passive and now he isn't building it, people are finding it tougher to stay higher on mana, aking the favoured liandry rylai combo not as effective as maybe it should be

A common Corki complaint is that he feels extremely mana constrained by the cost of Phosphorus Bomb. However, after looking at his abilities, Phosphorus Bomb needs to be expensive to balance out its lack of counterplay. So we instead reduced the cost on some of his other spells to make mana less of a constraint overall.

Mana cost reduced to 50 from 100
Missile Barrage
Mana cost reduced to 20 from 30/35/40

Why thank you, this should be quite nice, the biggest problem with corki was after 1 combo you literally couldn't trade anymore until you had substantial items. This may change his build too, with the increased ability to spam abilities maybe sheen will make a comeback as being as valid as a ie pd build, who knows

We lowered the early game damage output Draven got from his passive since it wasn't adding much in terms of satisfying gameplay. Unfortunately, to get the numbers right, we realized we would need to reduce his passive damage to a point where it would be even less satisfying. We instead opted to rework Draven's passive altogether into something that reinforces his current gameplay, something so… Draven… even his opponents will feel begrudged to applaud: Welcome… to the League of Draven.

League of Draven (New Passive)
When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, or kills a minion or monster, he gains one stack of Adoration. When Draven kills an enemy champion, he consumes half of his Adoration stacks and gains 3 gold per stack consumed. Draven loses half of his Adoration stacks upon death.

Thank god, hopefully the days of draven storming into lane, igniting you and hitting you with an axe, which got you down to about 3/4 on it's own and then the ignite and bleed doing another stupid amount of damage should be gone, it does possibly mean however that he can maybe 3 hit you at an earlier stage with him getting increased gold. Makes him more stressful in soloq where your jungler takes all your kills too ;p

Agony's Embrace
Fixed a bug where the Sated buff and visual effect appeared when Evelynn hit only spell-shielded targets (visual change only)

Mana cost increased to 24/28/32/36/40 from 25

This could actually hit pretty hard to builds that don't have any mana in them, I personally don't build the gauntlet on him so I may find it more difficult, hopefully the regen from spirit of red will be enough

Fixed a bug where the buff icon countdown didn't properly match the 4-second channeling time

By increasing the cooldown on Jayce's Acceleration Gate, we can keep his Shock Blast + Acceleration Gate combo impactful while toning down his poke and disengage potential. In addition, since later in the game not every Shock Blast will be accelerated, we've increased the base speed of the ability to make it better as a standalone skillshot.

Shock Blast
Basic missile speed increased to 1450 from 1350 (Accelerated Shock Blast missile speed remains the same)
Acceleration Gate
Cooldown increased to 16 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10

This was pretty necessary, it helps ganking jayce, which is otherwise hard to do as even if you ganked after he used gate he could still have it back in time to escape on that sliver that makes you rage like mad. However I personally feel his bigger nerf is later in these notes

Righteous Fury
AoE effect no longer affects towers

Yordle-made shurikens seemed a little too sharp and pointy, so we've tuned down some of Kennen's early game lane harass given how much teamfight potential he has.
Base Attack Damage at level 1 reduced to 50.5 from 54.6
Mark of the Storm
Mark duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8

His base ad drop means he needs another dorans blade now, which is alright, although it hurts adc kennen a lot obviously but he's not that popular. The bigger issue here is the reduced duration on mark of the storm making it harder to land stuns early on as you may not be able to hit 2 qs

LeBlanc's Mimic was less a decision point and more of a tool to one-shot someone with Sigil of Silence. These changes aim to make Mimic equally interesting with other skills. For one, Mimicked abilities will now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell. This means players will be able to use Mimic in more creative ways at level 6, rather than saving it for Sigil of Silence. Additionally, Sigil of Silence will now deal less damage up front but more damage on detonation in order to better promote LeBlanc's multi-skill interaction.

Mirror Image
The Mirror Image will now attempt to run instead of standing still
Sigil of Silence
Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 70/75/80/85/90
Damage changed to 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.4 Ability Power) for both initial impact damage and mark detonation damage
Impact damage was 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.6 Ability Power)
Mark damage was 20/40/60/80/100 (+0.2 Ability Power)
Silence duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
Cooldown now starts on cast rather than after returning to your Distortion
Mana cost increased to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80
Fixed a bug where Distortion was visible in the fog of war
Ethereal Chains
Slow duration (and time until root) reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2
Root duration changed to 1.5 seconds from 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2
Cooldown increased to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds from 10
Mana cost reduced to 0 from 100/50/0
All mimicked abilities now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell's damage
Mimic: Sigil of Silence
Now deals 100/200/300 (+0.65 Ability Power) damage once on impact and again if the mark is detonated
Mimic: Distortion
Cooldown now starts on cast rather than after returning to your Distortion
Now deals 150/300/450 (+0.975 Ability Power) damage on impact
Mimic: Ethereal Chains
Now deals 100/200/300 (+0.65 Ability Power) damage once on impact and again if the target is rooted

This is huge, and will definitely be good for my recently favoured lb support. The idea is that mimicing an ability ha no bearing to whether you level it or not, now in lane obviously you level q anyway because it has increased damage when your ult is down and your full damage potential is always going to be higher out of q, however if you didn't want to go that way and rely on your ult you can now have increased utility in either higher cc or higher mobility, which is nice, very nice.

Call of the Void
Now correctly grants vision on the entire line path
Damaged targets will now always become visible
Malefic Visions
Will now jump when active on a zombified champion (i.e. Karthus, Kog'Maw, Zyra, etc.)

Master Yi
Double Strike
Fixed a bug where Guinsoo's Rageblade wasn't properly giving 2 stacks

Dark Binding
Fixed a bug where Dark Binding wasn't properly snaring stealthed Champions

Siphoning Strike
Bonus damage now displayed as a buff on Nasus

Dredge Line
No longer travels through some walls

We've reduced the overall damage of Consume to prevent it from outsmiting Smite at rank one.
Health per level reduced to 96 from 108
Damage reduced to 500/625/750/875/1000 from 600/700/800/900/1000

This was necessary, nunu is really tanky early on, and I was getting annoyed with him flashing into my starting buff and eating it, then running away with nothing I could do about it, now at least my smite has a fighting chance

Command: Protect
Orianna now gains a passive range indicator that shows the range at which The Ball will return to her when attached to an allied Champion.

Spear Shot
Fixed a bug where Spear Shot was not scaling with bonus Critical Strike damage when hitting an enemy below 15% Health

Broken Wings
Fixed a bug that made it possible to chain more than 3 strikes

Ki Strike
Fixed a bug where the visual effect wasn't properly appearing at the start of the game

We're repositioning Flame Breath as a core tool for objective control and faster jungle clear, while also emphasizing its use as a “burn down” ability to be followed up with auto attacks against tankier fighters. We've also fixed a long-standing bug with Shyvana's Burnout where it wasn't scaling with attack damage while in Dragon form. This fix - along with her increased fury gains and reduced fury decay – will help her in late game teamfights. Lastly, we've moved the descriptions of her previous passive effects to their new ability tooltips to help centralize information.

Fury of the Dragonborn - Remade. All Fury of the Dragonborn effects have been moved to their respective abilities.
Dragonborn - Gains 5/10/15/20 Armor and Magic Resist. These bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.
Flame Breath
No longer reduces Armor by 15%
Now passes through all units hit instead of stopping at the first
Debuff duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
Damage reduced to 80/115/150/185/220 from 80/125/170/215/260
On-hit magic damage to debuffed targets changed to 2% of the target's maximum Health from 15% of Flame Breath's damage (12/18.75/25.5/32.25/39 + 0.09 Ability Power).
Fixed a bug where Burnout wasn't scaling with attack damage when Shyvana was in Dragon form
Dragon's Descent
Passive Armor/Magic Resistance component removed
Passive Fury Gain increased to 1/2/3 per 1.5 seconds from 1/1/1
Fury decay while in Dragon Form reduced to 5 per second from 6 per second

I am personally loving the sound of this, normally I don't like it when my favoured champions get changed this much, but I do like this. I don't think the armour shred being taken away will hurt that much due to getting that %maxhp damage which importantly does NOT change on whether you level the ability, making a w max still beneficial. The passive also allows some nice scaling in lane and possibly even allows for some health runes over resists, but I'll have to test that out

After initially using Death Sentence the tooltip will now describe his Death Leap ability

Hide in Shadows
Fixed a bug where Twitch could revive in stealth when Guardian Angel or Chrono Shift was active on him

Final Hour
Stealth from Final Hour will now properly be broken upon launching a basic attack
Elastic Slingshot
Fixed a bug where aiming could preemptively break the targets' spell shields

We wanted to make it easier and more rewarding for Ziggs to use Satchel Charge offensively, whether by detonating it immediately or leaving it as a threat on the battlefield to zone opponents. We also wanted to make Satchel Charge noticeably easier to use for players with moderate to high latency.

Satchel Charge
Can now be reactivated while in flight, causing the Satchel Charge to detonate on landing
Missile speed increased to 1750 from 1600
Increased knockback distance to 400 from 350
Cooldown now starts when Satchel Charge is cast, not when it detonates

Honestly, I don't play ziggs so I don't know, but ti looks like this will have a small effect on his actually performance, but a high effect on being able to do fancy shit, but we all like style.

General Champion Notes

By constantly shifting between forms as they move about the map, certain champions have been artificially accelerating their access to fully stacked Tear items (Muramana and Seraph's Embrace) without using their mana.
The following abilities no longer count as a spellcast for the sake of items like Tear of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.
Elise's Spider Form / Human Form
Nidalee's Aspect of the Cougar
Jayce's Transform: Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon

This, is going to hurt almost everyone involved. This is the nerf to jayce I mentioned earlier, it dramatically slows down tear stacking on these champs, however nidalee still has pounce post 6 so she gets away with it a little, but this will significantly set back the mid game of these champions' tear builds.

We've normalized the hit delay on a few spells that had slight discrepancies between when the spell was cast and when it would take effect.
The following abilities have had their hit delay normalized:
Brand's Pillar of Flame hit delay normalized to 0.625 seconds
Leona's Solar Flare hit delay normalized to 0.625 seconds
Swain's Nevermove hit delay normalized to 0.875 seconds
Veigar's Dark Matter hit delay normalized to 1.25 seconds

This only really matters for people detect heavy patterning, as it made it quite odd to work out when these would land, but it's now always the same, not big otehrwsie really

When used on a CC immune champion, it will only display "Can't be slowed"
Summoners that disconnect while CCed will now properly run back to base


In order to alleviate some of the gold pressure on supports as they push for vision dominance, we've made some changes to how the Oracle's buff works as well reworked the rewards for killing wards. First off, Oracle's Elixir no longer expires upon death, meaning players can be more aggressive with Oracle's, rather than just passively clear warded areas they know to be safe. Secondly, the gold from destroying a ward is now distributed between both the player who kills the ward AND the player who, whether through Oracle's or placing Vision wards, granted vision on that ward.

Vision and Sight Ward are now worth 30 gold, up from 25
Wriggle's Lantern Ward is now worth 20 gold, up from 15
The reward structure for killing wards has been changed to the following:
The killer of the ward gains 50% of the ward's base gold value
Nearby allied champions with Oracle's Elixir, or allied champions that placed Vision Wards nearby, split 50% of the ward's base gold value
Sightstone and Ruby Sightstone now display the number of placed Ghost Wards in their inventory tooltips
Oracle's Elixir
No longer expires on death
Duration reduced to 4 minutes from 5
Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player
Oracle's Extract
Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player

I don't know where I stand on this, it seems pretty odd, the main thing I like is how oracle doesn't leave you when you die now, got fed up f being a squishy support that got focused just for an oracle, although it tend to help bait idiots. The gold structure for ward slaying took a bit of working out for me though, but basically whoever owns whatever sees the ward gets 50% split between them, and whoever last hits it gets 50% so if you put down a pink AND get the last hit, you get full value, which has been increased, which should be good.

Tear of the Goddess and Manamune were stacking up far too quickly given their low cost, so we've increased the cooldown per charge. On the other hand, Archangel's Staff is a top tier item and requires a higher gold investment, so we wanted to reward players who choose to invest in charging their Archangel's Staff faster.

Tear of the Goddess
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality
Archangel's Staff
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
Mana gained increased to 8 from 6
Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality

This is even more annoying for some champions, however does benefit for seraphs embrace, so really, it only hurts jayce, unlucky you smug little prick

Previously, champions whose attacks applied a secondary source of physical damage (we're looking at you Jarvan), could unintentionally gain additional stacks of Black Cleaver's shred with one hit. Characters like Shyvana or Renekton that can apply multiple basic attacks at the same time will still stack up shreds as normal.

Black Cleaver
Can no longer apply more than one stack of Armor Shred in a single basic attack

This seems mainly a bug fix, but it does inform me that renekton and shyv get 2 BC stacks on their w and q respectively which I didn't know, hmm

We've made Maw of Malmortius' passive bonus easier to understand at a glance. Now Maw will grant its maximum AD when the shield procs, so players will know exactly when they're at peak power.

Maw of Malmortius
Attack Damage increased to 60 from 55
Magic Resist increased to 40 from 36
Passive now grants 1 Attack Damage for every 2% of missing Health, up from 2.5%
Passive now capped at 35 Attack Damage, down from 40
Fixed a bug where the cooldown was not properly resetting when upgrading from a Hexdrinker on cooldown

Nice to see this buffed as it is a strong item often overlooked, not sure if it will be effective on an adc though, pretty unlikely I imagine, but certainly effective in top and mid lane

Wooglet's Witchcap
Fixed several unintended interactions with champion abilities and the Stasis active
Zhonya's Hourglass
Fixed several unintended interactions with champion abilities and the Stasis active

Summoner's Rift
We've made some changes to death streaks in order to address strategies where repeatedly dying to lower your kill bounty could be used to gain an advantage. We know this may affect games where people are not intentionally dying, and we'll continue to monitor this.
Death Streak gold values have been reworked to be in line with pre-Season 3 values.
A player killed three times in a row without resetting is now worth 220 gold (previously 182 gold)
A player killed six times in a row without resetting is now worth 112 gold (previously 62 gold)
Minimum kill value of a champion increased to 50 gold (previously 15 gold)

TROLL FEEDERS GET A BUFF, j/k. Well they do, but the point of this is if you absolutley faceroll your lane it isn't as vital to piss off and kill someone else for a while, and the old tactic of "I'm 0/6 so can suicide bomb whatever I want and I'm worth nothing" isn't as effective

With Patch 3.9, we are setting a new precedent by making separate, map-specific balance changes to certain champions. The intent is not to reach a balancing cadence similar to Summoner's Rift, but to address some egregious balance outliers to improve the overall player experience. In this patch we're toning down Kassadin on Crystal Scar and Singed on Twisted Treeline. If this approach proves successful we'll follow suit with additional tweaks where necessary.

Twisted Treeline
Armor per level reduced to 2 from 3.5 on Twisted Treeline
Insanity Potion cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 100 on Twisted Treeline
Crystal Scar
Riftwalk cooldown increased to 9/8/7 seconds from 7/6/5 on Crystal Scar
Riftwalk range reduced to 600 from 700 on Crystal Scar
Howling Abyss
Added new item: Orb of Winter
Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead + Negatron Cloak
Total Gold Cost: 2080 (combine cost: 1180)
+70 Magic Resist
+20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
Unique Passive: Grants a shield that absorbs damage. The shield will refresh after a short period without taking damage.

I'm liking that this is happening, it shows that the other maps are getting their game time so it should be pretty good, not sure if the pro scene of them is going to get bigger in the next year or so from this but hey ho. As for the item it should be pretty nice, as AP poke is pretty much the way to win ARAM atm

Game Interface

Fixed a long-standing bug where Attack-Move and Move commands could trigger while typing in chat
Fixed a keybinding issue where some modifier keys could not be used with certain keys and mouse buttons
Significantly improved performance when purchasing item upgrades

League System

Added the ability to spectate players and teams in challenger tier via an option in the leagues menu
When viewing teams in the Leagues tab, clicking on a team will now show a list of the team's top players

I am liking the spectaty stuff, should reduce the number of morons spectacularly if used properly, on the other hand it might make people think being good is easy and then try it, but on the plus side, once peopel see what a challenger player looks like, all the people in bronze 4 might stop thinking they should be challenger

We worked with the Player Behavior team on a smaller change to remove all latency (ping) displays except your own. After looking closely at the data, it seems that showing pings during loading can add toxicity to games before they even begin. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that removing the ping display on champion load screens would lead to a healthier community overall, so we acted on it.
The load screen now includes Summoner Icons
The progress bar has been removed due to space constraints
The ping of other Summoners has been removed

The rune page has been significantly reworked to provide a more responsive experience:
Filtering out all runes of a given type (such as Marks or Seals) will cause it to turn grey, indicating that it's empty
Reverting the changes in the runebook no longer changes which is being edited
It's now possible to open more than one rune type at a time in the rune inventory
Right clicking or double clicking to rapidly add runes doesn't require waiting for the animation to complete
Shifted the rune slots slightly to reduce certain gaps
The scrollbars have been made more responsive and easier to click
The dividers between effects in the stats pane now scale down when the scrollbar appears
Dragging a rune into place no longer highlights slots near the drop target
Rune combiner animations are simpler and less CPU intensive
Rune combiner filters are now more consistent with rune page filters

When Smart Cast Range Indicators are enabled, the keybinding for Self Cast Spell (ALT by default) will activate the ability immediately on key press, rather than on key release. This matches the behavior of abilities which are innately self-cast, such as Sivir’s Spell Shield.
Added tooltips and visual indicators in the client to more clearly convey which game modes, maps, and types are locked for new and low level players
PVP.net will now automatically scale itself down to 1150x720 or 1024x640, whichever is most appropriate. The most common desktop resolutions that will see their experience impacted are:
Logitech hardware support can now be disabled by adding "LogitechSupport=0" to the "General" section in your game.cfg"
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LoL 3.9 Patch Notes Empty Re: LoL 3.9 Patch Notes

Post by Killa July 10th 2013, 7:31 pm

Don't know what to think about Draven's new passive

So, this is how it works, say you get 20 CS before the first kill, and before you do, half the stacks are consumed, 3gp for 1 stack, so you get an extra 30GP for the kill?


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LoL 3.9 Patch Notes Empty Re: LoL 3.9 Patch Notes

Post by YourTasteInWomen July 10th 2013, 8:33 pm

yeah, but you also get a stack everytime you ctach an axe
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